EGYPT March 2004

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Some of them with original sound!

Alexandria: port west
Alexandria: port east
Alexandria: fort of Qaitbey
Alexandria: fort and sea
Alexandria: Montazahpalace
Alexandria: new library
Caïro: view from citadel
Caïro: mosk 14th century
Caïro: mosk 14th century
Caïro: mosk 14th century
Caïro: moskee 19th century
Caïro: mosk 19th century
Caïro: Al-Hussein mosk
Caïro: bazaar
Khan al-Khalhili
Caïro: traffic
the oldest pyramid
Sakkara: pyramid of Djoser
Sakkara: colonnade
Memphis: sphinx
now: Mit Rahina
now: Mit Rahina
Giza: the great pyramids
Giza: pyramid of Cheops
Giza: great sphinx and pyramid
Luxor: entrance gate temple
Luxor: statues Ramses II
Luxor: colonnade temple
sphinx alley and gate
Karnak: sphinx with ramshead
Karnak: statue Ramses II
Karnak: great
colonnade hall
Karnak: colonnade hall
Karnak: obelisks
Thebe: temple of
pharao Hatsjepsoet
Thebe: pharao sacrifices to
god Re with falcon head
Thebe: goddess Hathor (cow)
licks hand of pharao
Kom Ombo:
temple from Greek age
Kom Ombo: relief
with remainder of colours
Kom Ombo: middle: god Anubis
with crocodile head
Assuan: fellucca's on Nile
Assuan: Nubic village on Nile
Assuan: Nubian man
Assuan: Philae temple on
island in Nasser lake (Nile)
Assuan: temple of Isis
Assuan: entrance gate temple
Abu Simbel in the
utmost south of Egypte
Abu Simbel: large temple
in rock on island
Abu Simbel: statues pharao
Ramses II inside temple
Sharm el Sheikh on Read Sea
Sharm el Sheikh beach
Sharm el Sheikh and Sinai mountains
Sharm el Sheikh: Red Sea
Sharm el Sheikh: mangroves
Sharm el Sheikh: fish in sea
Sinai desert
Sinai desert
Sinai desert
Sinai: Saint Catharin monastery
Sinai: Bedouins

© Kees Hiddinga. Copying only with permission.

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