River cruise on the Danube towards the Black Sea October 2019

First page: outward journey with Passau, Vienna, Belgrade, Rousse, Constanţa* and other places.

Second page: return trip with Bucharest*, Novi Sad, Budapest, Bratislava, Melk and other places: click here
* is not on the Danube.

Passau (Germany): the Stephansdom, Italian baroque
Passau (Germany): residence square
Passau (Germany): work of art at the river Inn
Passau (Germany): fortress at the Danube
Pyrawang (Austria): castle ruin Krempelstein
Obernzell (Germany) on the other bank of the Danube
Krems (Austria) upon the Danube
Tull (Austria) with statue of Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius
Vienna (Austria): Burg theatre from 1888
Vienna (Austria): Theseustemple from 1823, small copy of an Athenian temple
Vienna (Austria): Heldenplatz (square) with the Neue Hofburg
Vienna (Austria): Amalienburg and statue of emperor Franz I
Vienna (Austria): Schweizertor (gate) from 1552
Vienna (Austria): Michael gate with statues of Hercules
Vienna (Austria): national library in Hofburg at the Josefsplatz (square)
Vienna (Austria): palace Pallavicini, classicistic and baroque
Vienna (Austria): old cobbler's shop
Vienna (Austria): building in Jugendstil (Art Nouveau)
Vienna (Austria): Stephansdom 14th-16th century, tower 137 meters high
Vienna (Austria): vieuw from the 60 meters high unfinished northern tower
Budapest (Hungary): city district Boedda, seen from the Danube
Budapest (Hungary): parliament in Pest, seen from the Danube
Budapest (Hungary): the cruise ship on the Danube
Budapest (Hungary): hotel Gellert from 1918 and the liberty bridge
Dunapataj (Hungary): farmhouse
Dunapataj (Hungary): ox cart
Dunapataj (Hungary): wip demonstration
Dunapataj (Hungary): ten horses
Kalcosa (Hungary): house of folk art (farmhouse)
Kalcosa (Hungary): traditional costumes
Kalocsa (Hungary): stitcher
Kalocsa (Hungary): village street
Belgrade (Serbia): the Danube, to the left the river Sava
Belgrade (Serbia): the fortress and the Danube
Belgrade (Serbia): Istanbul gate and clock tower of the fortress
Belgrade (Serbia): mausoleum of a Turkish Pascha (high official)
Belgrade (Serbia): building within the fortress, now physics museum
Belgrade (Serbia): monumental building
Danube between Rumania en Serbia: the gorge "Iron gates"
Danube between Rumania en Serbia: the gorge "Iron gates"
"Iron gates": Rumania: small church, now a restaurant
"Iron gates": Rumania: Decebal, monarch who fought against the Romans
"Iron gates": Serbian side (south)
"Iron gates": Tabula Trajana, monument for a new road in the year 100
At the end of "iron gates": hydropower plant and lock Šerdap I
Drobeta-Turnu Severin (Rumania): to the right remains of bridge of Trajan
Rousse (Bulgaria): Liberty square with monument peace 1877 after Turkish war
Rousse (Bulgaria): work of art on the Liberty square
Rousse (Bulgaria): book kiosk on the Liberty square
Rousse (Bulgaria): opera building from early 20th century
Rousse (Bulgaria): crumbling building in a shopping street
Rousse (Bulgaria): restored facade in Jugendstil
Rousse (Bulgaria): town library "Karawelow" (poet) in a building from 1911
Rousse (Bulgaria): a beautiful facade in Jugendstil
Rousse (Bulgaria): wall of a Roman military camp at the Danube
Rousse (Bulgaria): Roman sculpture
Constanţa (Rumania): museum building and statue of Roman Ovidius
Constanţa (Rumania): the large mosk from 1910
Constanţa (Rumania): monumental building that is empty
Constanţa (Rumania): orthodox cathedral and ruins from the Roman period
Constanţa (Rumania): wall painting in the cathedral
Constanţa (Rumania): the Black Sea
Constanţa (Rumania): lighthouse from 1860
Constanţa (Rumania): former casino, closed in 1990, at the Black Sea

© Kees Hiddinga. Copying only with permission.

Second page: return trip with Bucharest, Novi Sad, Budapest, Bratislava, Melk and other places: click here

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