VENICE and VERONA October 2007

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Venice upon the lagoon
Basilica San Marco
and Campanile (tower)
Fresco on basilica San Marco
San Marco square
Square in front of Doge's Palace
(to the left)
Doge's Palace
Doge's Palace inner court
Doge's Palace, giant staircase
Small canal in
San Marco quarter
Carnival masks
Palazzo Contarini del Bovolo
Detail of Baroque church
San Moisè
Canal Grande
On the vaporetto (bus boat)
on the Canal Grande
CaŽdŽOro (house of gold)
Dorsoduro quarter
Dorsoduro quarter
Dorsoduro quarter
San Polo - Santa Croce
Old Ghetto in Cannaregio
Synagogue in Cannaregio
Castello quarter
Venetian Gothic style
in Castello quarter
Scuola Grande di San Marco,
nowadays a hospital
Reliefs on pillar base
Scuola Grande
Arsenal in Castello quarter
Small gateway in Castello quarter
Small square in Castello quarter
Small square in Castello quarter
San Giorgio Maggiore church
and -island


Old castle on hill top
Medieval city wall
House of Julia
(Romeo and Julia)
Arena, Roman amfitheatre
Arena, double wall
Roman gladiators
Palazzo Maffei (baroque)
Fresco on Casa Mazzanti
from about 1300
Piazza dei Signori
Palazzo del Comune
Palazzo del Comune:
gothic staircase
Lion of Venice

© Kees Hiddinga. Copying only with permission.

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